My favourite Reboot session - apart from Goodiepal + Sterling (pls dial up the truly out there stuff for future Reboots; I respect the atmosphere of people bringing their own stuff; but we need the extraordinary as well) - was on bottom-up action in Africa, from networking to local radio. Jonathan Marks had a lovely statement "Design your work to be stolen" - to describe how one should go about working in Africa. Its no good to supply pain relief, what you do needs to be replicated after you're gone. It's a lovely sentiment, and not just for this particular situation. Make it desirable - and possible - to extricate yourself from your work.
I was sorry to miss the Protonet presentation and the session on persuasive design.
I was hoping to do some demoing - but bad scheduling and lack of interest killed that.
While missing 90% of the talks - the usual situation - I amused myself by shrinking the venue to miniature size using ye olde fake tilt shift technique, implemented in Processing (stealable source, shortly).