October 05, 2007
Teori P og Teori D

P og D kalder Reg Braithwaite de to synspunkter at softwareudvikling er probabilistisk - principielt uforudsigelig, altid præget af uventede forandringer vs. ideen at softwareudvikling er deterministisk og kan styres hvis bare man styrer godt nok.
Og mayn, har jeg prøvet dether mange gange

If you structure a fixed price contract for development specifically because you want the developer to carry the risk, you believe in Theory P. That’s right, you believe it’s probabilistic, that’s why you hedge against disaster by talking the developer into assuming the risk. So it’s more correct to say that some stake holders prefer to structure fixed commitments from developers than it is to say that stake holders believe in Theory D.

That's exactly right. Når folk vil have løfter - selv om de godt ved at ham der giver løftet er nødt til at lyve for at afgive løftet - så er de igang med en cover my ass manøvre, mere end de er i gang med at lede et projekt.

Posted by Claus at October 05, 2007 11:59 PM | TrackBack (0)
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