October 25, 2006
Konkurrence : Undersæt den Danske Sangskat

Vind en iPod Shuffle - detaljer længere nedeTidsfristen er udløbet.

Højskolerne har vist en nebengeschæft med at tage imod udenlandske studerende. Ihvertfald har der sneget sig et par underoversættelser af danske sange ind i den nye sangbog. Her er en liste over nye sange (PDF).
Den starter med Jakob Knudsens dejlige "See, the golden sun" (Se Nu Stiger Solen - på dansk en favorit her på adressen)*. Man begynder virkelig at frygte for en forstrækning af lattermusklen når man kommer til den absurd mundrette Benny Andersen oversættelse "Look, real daylight soon" (Svantes lykkelige dag - aka 'Se, hvilken morgenstund')**. Og det bliver ved: Længere nede kommer man til Grundtvigs "A plain and active joyful life on earth" (Et jævnt og muntert virksomt liv på jord - bedre forsøg) og H.C. Andersens "Where the road bends" (Hist hvor vejen slår en bugt - tvivlsom metrik).

Anglificeringerne mystificerer mig faktisk så meget at jeg hermed udskriver en


Lav den bedste undersættelse*** af en sang fra den danske sangskat og vind en iPod Shuffle
(Virkelig. Ingen pis. Jeg mener det i ramme alvor. Hvis du vinder får du en iPod Shuffle af mig.)
Hvornår: Konkurrencen løber fra dette øjeblik til midnat mellem 6. og 7. november. Så det er altså for sent nu.
Sådan er du med: Læg en kommentar til denne blogpost, med mindst ét vers på dårligt engelsk, der er en genkendelig oversættelse af en sang fra den danske sangskat.
Definition af sangskat: Sangen skal stå i den nye højskolesangbog****. Og ingen pop, please: Grundtvig, Poul Henningsen og Kaj Munk er OK - Gasolin, John Mogensen, Birthe Wilke og Tim Christensen er ikke - jeg tillader lige akkurat Benny Andersen, tror jeg.

Vinderen kåres af en dommerkomité bestående af mig - men du er meget velkommen til at give din mening om de indleverede forslag til kende i kommentarsporet.

For at vinde er man nødt til at aflevere sit bidrag i følgeskab med en fungerende emailadresse, så jeg ved hvordan jeg kommer i kontakt med vinderen.

UPDATE: Uddybninger:
Man må indlevere lige så mange bidrag man kan nå at skrive.
Dommeren favoriserer ting der er dårlige på den måde at de kunne have været forsøg på at gøre det godt, som bare gik grueligt galt undervejs.
Film dig selv og post videoen online for ekstra credit.

Jeg vil selv løbende bidrage med undersættelser for inspirationens skyld, men selvsagt deltager jeg ikke selv i konkurrencen.

For lige at antyde mulighederne tager vi fat i nationalsangen med det samme:

There is a lovely land
With bulky beech aplenty
Near salty eastern strand:|
It bends and twists through valley, hill
Its name is olden Denmark
Where Freja had her fill:|
(og der er mere her og her)

* Det virker en smule suspekt på mig at snige tekstvirkninger ind der bare ikke er i originalen. I den danske original er solen på intet sted "gylden".
** Rent sangmæssigt virker den lukkede lyd i 'Look' forkert på det sted hvor den åbne 'Se' stod før, eller er det bare mig? Hvis den tekst ikke retter op længere nede skulle der være muligheder for et billigt grin.
***(altså dårligste oversættelse)
**** Du kan finde en liste over alle sangene her.

Posted by Claus at October 25, 2006 12:46 AM | TrackBack (0)
Comments (post your own)

Okay, okay - her kommer en Brorson, fordi jeg langt tilbage er langt ude i familie med ham, den gamle ordsvinger:

Get up, all those objects that God made
to put a price on his deliciousness
even the smallest things he made is big
and that proves his physical energy

If all kings stood in a queue
in their immense greatness
they couldn't even a page
put on a nettle

Posted by: emme on October 25, 2006 2:42 PM

Be?ndet *og* ?ndet p? en og samme tid. Meget smukt.

Posted by: Claus on October 25, 2006 2:44 PM

Hov for s?ren, fik jo postet mit f?rste bud p? den forkerte post. Damn. Men denne skal ogs? med, selvom jeg til min r?dsel ser at den ikke genkendes af H?jskolesangbogens s?gemaskine:

King Vermund the Old
with useless old eyes
but wise from the length of his days
Sat still by the Eider
with worry and care
He mourned for his son, yellow Uffe

Posted by: Suzy-Hang-Around on October 25, 2006 2:46 PM

Og en Suzy-Hang-Around mere flyttet fra en anden post

In all her glory shines the sun
The light of life on chair of grace
Now is the time of narcissi
Now it is summer, sheer and mild
Now more than angel?s voice predicts
In the Lord?s name, a golden crop.

Dommerkommentar: Bonuspoint for 'narcissi'

Posted by: Claus on October 25, 2006 2:49 PM

Og jeg kan slet ikke holde op igen ...

Look, dawn is breaking over fields
plowed by the sluggish oxen
the waters to the dark cloud yields
with sunny churches watching

Oh, dearest fall, will you please bring
a pear with flavors charming
like water from my father?s spring
and soil from his own farming

And that is all the land I have
and all that I desire
I hope that you begrudge me not
what clings to my soles? mire

Posted by: Suzy-Hang-Around on October 25, 2006 4:48 PM

Pas p? de ikke bliver for gode. Det vinder man ikke p? her.

Vi konstaterer indtil videre forskellige planer for unders?ttelse. Jeg skal ikke kommentere p? hvor (blandt mine og jeres) de forskellige ting finder anvendelse.

1. Absurd grimt - hvor al mening h?rer op
2. Direkte overs?ttelser eller ordbogs krypto-overs?ttelser (a la den min mor engang fik ind i en stil: Female body policeman (=Kvinde-lig politibetjent)
3. Stilfejl

Hvis jeg skal giver jer noget at skyde efter er det nok fejl i kategori 2 og 3 der giver flest point.

Posted by: Claus on October 25, 2006 4:52 PM

Kunne man forestille sig af pr?mien var preloadet med den glade givers mindst lige s? glade sungne udgave af vinderteksten? ;-)

Posted by: pollas on October 26, 2006 9:28 AM

Man kunne forestille sig b?de det og en sidekonkurrence med gevinster til de bedste Youtube videoer af afsyngninger at konkurrencebidrag.

Der er helt klart bonuspoint hvis et bidrag leveres *med* video.

Posted by: Claus on October 26, 2006 9:31 AM

In Denmark I was born there is my dwelling
There is my stuff ? my heart goes out from there
You danish tongue ? my mother at me yelling
So sweetly blessed you reach my capillair
You danish fresh white sand
Where tombs from long ago
Stand right where hops and apples like to grow
I love you so
Denmark my father land

Posted by: holger on October 26, 2006 12:42 PM

It is to sow lovely to be followed by,
Lining two , that gladly will together be ,
Then is with THE JOY one double cheerful ,
And half about THE AFFLICTION saw heavy to sustain ;
Yes it is merriment
TO travel together
WHEN springvelum

En anonym undersaettelse til et underholdene initiativ.

Posted by: Anonym i Italien on October 26, 2006 4:02 PM

Anonym, du st?r d?rligt mht at f? en eventuel pr?mie n?r du er anonym. Vi ser p? det hvis du vinder.
Er det forresten en maskinovers?ttelse af en art eller omhyggelig h?ndlavet sprogforbistring?

Posted by: Claus on October 26, 2006 4:06 PM

Who sits behind the screen there
He's got the hand-rag blues
A patch upon his eyeball
And holes in both his shoes
Well, that is John the wayman
He wishes he were dead
He uses his old hammer
To turn these rocks to bread

Posted by: holger on October 26, 2006 8:14 PM

Haha - to virkelig gode bud. Jeg synes m?ske "John Wayman" uden 'the' havde v?ret skarpere..

Posted by: Claus on October 26, 2006 8:16 PM

In your short life
every hour is animal
every second, an animal second
You hopefully wont forget that the years smoke
Watch your watch:
The songs are flying,
stay awake, friend
our little life
is ending inside a sleep.
We are of the same fabric
that dreams are done by:
the big empty room.

Posted by: Julie on October 27, 2006 9:26 AM

St?rkt bidrag, Julie! Applaus fra Claus.
Navnlig "Watch your watch" er inspireret.

- Skulle jeg ?rgre mig over noget er det at det kun er et *halvt* vers (et omkv?d) i princippet.

Posted by: Claus on October 27, 2006 9:37 AM

S?dan en opfordring kan man jo ikke sidde overh?rig:

Three servants was standing considering advice
- thinglute, toungelute, lustoutinplay
they wanted the millers daughter to see
- proud Adelouse, boatsman house, mugmothermouse
- thinglute, toungelute, lustoutinplay
- christomania for whopperwhippersnap, ceremonial

Two guys held the bag so long
the third got inside, wearing a thong

Oh listen, dear miller, grind us this bag
but dont dare to loose it, you fag

So put it near my daughters bed
all the rats there have been fed

and as it got darker in every balk
that bag started to crawl and walk

oh daddy stand op and light the light
a miller house thief is our plight

he padded her on her pale cheek
beautvirgin, you are mine to seek

oh daddy turn off that light in out house
it was just a cat that bit a mouse

The old bitch lying on the beetroots
concluded dry: that cat wears boots

You old bitch, better abscond
tommorrow you'll end in our millers pond

Og k?llingen sank, og s?kken fl?d,
- tungluti, tungluti, lustudilei -
og al hendes v?lling blev til gr?d.

the bitch sunk, the bag had floatage
and all her gruel became porridge

Posted by: Poul Krogh on October 27, 2006 11:36 AM

Hatten af, Poul - det er klasse!

Posted by: Claus on October 27, 2006 11:40 AM

M? man stemme? I s? fald stemmer jeg p? Julie.

Posted by: emme on October 27, 2006 1:41 PM

Man m? ihvertfald sige sin mening. Dommerkomiteens er up?virkelig og dens konklusioner uantastelige, men kom endelig med tilr?b og applaus (til de konkurrerende - ikke dommeren, forst?s)

Posted by: Claus on October 27, 2006 1:44 PM

Hej igen,

Som svar paa din kommentar til mig igaar maa jeg fortaelle dig at det var en blanding af selvudviklet maskinovers?ttelse fra min studietid og sprogforbistring. Ang. praemier er der andre indlaeg der er af hoejere(lavere) kvalitet og derfor nok ingen fare for mig.

Til gengaeld, har jeg til aere for dig lavet en modsat undersaettelse, dog uden hjaelp fra maskinoversaettelse. Du kan vist godt lide denne sang.

Vil du vide mit navn
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?
Ku' det vaere det samme
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?

Jeg maa vaere staerk
Og baere paa,
Fordi jeg ved jeg ikke er lang
Her i haven.

Ville du holde min haand
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?
Ville du haelpe mig holde
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?

Jeg vil find min vej
Gennem nat og dag,
Fordi jeg ved jeg ikke kan staa
her i haven.

Tid kan bringe dig ned,
Tid kan boeje dine knae.
Tid kan braekke dit hjerte,
Have dig anmode tilfreds, anmode tilfreds.

Forbi laagen,
Er der fred jeg er sikker
Og jeg ved der vil vaerre nej mere
at rive i haven.

Vil du vide mit navn
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?
Ku' det vaere det samme
Hvis jeg saa dig i haven?

Jeg maa vaere staerk
Og baere paa,
Fordi jeg ved jeg ikke er lang
Her i haven.

Posted by: Anonym i Italien on October 27, 2006 2:09 PM

Anonym - n?r man slipper for f?llessang og det er s? smukt fordansket s? er jeg helt med p? den.

Posted by: Claus on October 27, 2006 3:00 PM

I see the islands light with beech
Spread out across the sea
So cutting sunlight?s beauty
As ever I did see
I see them as they are lying there
They look just like a card
From border until border
But they have got our heart

Posted by: holger on October 27, 2006 4:49 PM

Og lige en note mere Anonym: T?nk lige hvor meget bedre originalen ville v?re hvis din unders?ttelse var en overs?ttelse, og det var en enkel (og smuk) hverdagsbetragtning. Jeg synes virkelig 'haven' er bedre end 'heaven' her. Jeg mener det helt alvorligt.

Himlen er den sindssygeste lyriske n?dudgang. T?nk Teddy Edelman og "m? jeg tage hunden med ind i himlen". Det stinker, simpelthen. Det er ligesom at rime hjerte p? smerte: Hvis man har det der skal til kan det godt lade sig g?re, men det kr?ver ?gte talent.

Posted by: Claus on October 27, 2006 8:04 PM

Det m? der rettes op p?. Hermed et helt vers:

Sorry, I strain a serious word.
It is wise that you understand it now.
Just a shelf to this earth,
because we only have the same.
The world has been hating more than enough.
We can only answer by making love.
My self in the earthly love
Are weapons against a raven rock.

In your short life
every hour is animal
every second, an animal second
You hopefully wont forget that the years smoke
Watch your watch:
The songs are flying,
stay awake, friend
our little life
is ending inside a sleep.
We are of the same fabric
that dreams are done by:
the big empty room.

Posted by: Julie on October 28, 2006 4:59 AM

See, now the sun is rising from the shot of the sea
Air and waves blushes in fire, in glow
what a blessed hilarity, even though everything is quiet
while the light is landing on the coast of the world

Jeg er ikke sikker p?, at den er i h?jskolesangbogen? Men det er en smuk salme (p? dansk)!

Posted by: Trine-Maria on October 28, 2006 5:05 AM

Julie: Respekt! Smuk redning

Trine Maria: Den er i h?jeste grad i h?jskoleheimeren, den er endda en af de absurde eksisterende angliseringer under titlen "See, the golden sun".

Posted by: Claus on October 28, 2006 5:07 AM

The time I went away
You wanted me to stay :/
You crazy little whore
I go to fight a war
And if I don't get killed we can go on like before
Well if there was no danger I would stay here with you
But all the girls in Denmark they trust me like you do
And that's why I will join
The military now
Horay Horay Horay

Posted by: holger on October 29, 2006 9:04 PM

Oh, thank you God!
We slept so good!
Baby laid with warm cheek on the pillow.
Now as the bird crisp!
Fresh as the sea's fish!
Morning sun is peaking through the window.

Posted by: Marie on October 30, 2006 10:10 AM

The Danish song is a young, blonde maiden
She walks ?round humming in Denmark?s house
She is the child of a kingdom laden
With beeches listening when blue waves roar
The Danish song when it sounds its deepest:
A sound of bells and of shield and sword
Against us roar on expanded bird wings
The saga tones from the days of yore

The grace of Sealand, the Might of Jutland
Ye echoes twain of both soft and hard
Contain the song that for us does speak and
Report what is in our innermost heart
The customs change, and the times are turning
But art and war still demand we?re strong
The beacon by which our souls are burning
It burns the strongest in our old tongue

Well, sing then Denmark, let thy heart speak thus
The tongue of hearts is but verse and song
The nightingale of the woods will teach us
As will the lark from the green fields long
The winds are howling their wildest shanty
The beeches thunder a solemn psalm
From country lad and from pavement dandy
Will song alight as freedom?s balm

Posted by: Ellen on October 31, 2006 12:28 AM

Grundigt, meget grundigt - men er det d?rligt nok?
Det er pludselig g?et op for mig at jeg kan afsl?re mig selv som den sindsygeste poser ved at underkende storsl?ede fejl ved simpelthen ikke at opdage dem.

Posted by: Claus on October 31, 2006 12:30 AM

Jutland in between two oceans
Like a rune stick you are laid
Oh, the runes are giant tomb stones
Spread around the glorious woods
And on the heath so awesome big
Here the desert mirage, desert mirage is

Jutland, you are the main country
Highland with wood loneliness
Wild in west with dune roof sand is
Rising up in stead of hills
Baltic and North seas shake hands
Right across the Skagen, cross the Skagen sands

Oh, the heath, you won?t believe it
But come on, look for yourself
Heather like a gorgeous carpet
Flowers that go on for miles
Hurry up, in just a while
This heath will be a corn field, be a corn field mild

Soon between the farmers rich farms
A steam dragon you will see
Where the herds of Loke are now
Forests grow and grow and grow
Britons fly across the sea
For to visit Hamlet?s, visit Hamlet?s grave

Jutland, in between to oceans
Like a rune stone you are laid
Graves of yours speak of the past now
Future will unfold your force
Oceans sing all that the can
Sing about your coast line, your coast line Jutland

Posted by: Ellen on October 31, 2006 12:51 AM

Een til, s? stopper jeg. Men jeg ser at den sk?nne Amazing Grace er p? listen. Det giver mulighed for at g? fra amerikansk schmalz til dansk socialrealisme:

Utrolige Grace
Hvor s?d den lyd
Som frelste et skod som mig
Jeg engang var fortabt
Men nu? jeg frelst
Var blind, men nu jeg ser

Det var Grace
Som l?rte mig om frygt
Og Grace tog frygten v?k
Og alle skal se
At Grace st?r frem
Den time som de tror

Igennem farer,
skidt og lort
Er vi allerede g??ed
Det var Grace
Der f?rte os hertil
Og Grace f?r? os osse hjem

N?r vi har v?r't her tusind ?r
og skinnet som en sol
er der liss? mange
dage tilbage
som da vi f?rst begyndt

Utrolige Grace
Hvor s?d den lyd
Som frelste et skod som mig
Jeg engang var fortabt
Men nu? jeg frelst
Var blind, men nu jeg ser

Posted by: Ellen on October 31, 2006 1:35 AM

Den sidste falder nok desv?rre for konkurrencekriteriet "dansk sangskat", men smukt det er det. "Som frelste et skod som mig" er en stor, stor linie.

Posted by: Claus on October 31, 2006 1:37 AM

O that v?re a hen
none can be find whereis
put by themselves deep to a orchard
pikke a r?dhudet berry.

O that v?re a t?jhund
kiss a blank?jet boy
reside to his affectionate branches
sleep themselves m?t to his bed.

O that v?re a ?ble
tumour to abundance and mag
suge grasping to composition
release a sensommerdag.

O that v?re a blighter
spot at the regnv?de way
lonely fordrukken and abject
such a blighter am i.

Posted by: Bo Bjavk?de on November 2, 2006 6:40 PM

Hjertesk?rende, Bo. Hjertesk?rende.
Dommerkomiteen har voteret omkring popgr?nsen og godkendt indslaget til evaluering.

Posted by: Claus on November 2, 2006 6:44 PM

Kan jo ikke have den beskyldning om pop h?ngende over mig, s? vi skifter spor

"Den var en Bejler og hans Lass" af William "Bjavk?de" Shakespeare

Den var en bejler og hans lass,
Hos en hej, og en ho, og en hej nonino,
At o'er den gr?n korn - ager gjorde pass,
I den affjedre gang, den bare smuk ring gang,
Hvor fugle lave afsynge, hej ding en ding ding;
Yndig bejlere elske den affjedre.

Imellem den areal i den rye,
Hos en hej, og en ho, og en hej nonino,
Disse smuk landskab folk ville ligge,
I den affjedre gang, den bare smuk ring gang,
Hvor fugle lave afsynge, hej ding en ding ding;
Yndig bejlere elske den affjedre.

Indev?rende carol de begyndte at time,
Hos en hej, og en ho, og en hej nonino,
Hvor at liv var men en blomst
I den affjedre gang, den bare smuk ring gang,
Hvor fugle lave afsynge, hej ding en ding ding;
Yndig bejlere elske den affjedre.

Og, alts?, holde den nutid
Hos en hej, og en ho, og en hej nonino,
Nemlig elske er bekranse hos den primtal
I den affjedre gang, den bare smuk ring gang,
Hvor fugle lave afsynge, hej ding en ding ding;
Yndig bejlere elske den affjedre.

Posted by: Bo Bjavk?de on November 3, 2006 10:59 AM

Men... nu g?r sproget den forkerte vej.
Din Frank J?ger er med i konkurrencen. Ingen pis d?r.

Posted by: Claus on November 3, 2006 11:00 AM

Jeps, det jeg med p? men da jeg endlig fandt teksten s? m?tte jeg alts? lave den. Mest fordi jeg synes at "Hos en hej, og en ho, og en hej nonino, " var for sjovt.

Posted by: Bo Bjavk?de on November 3, 2006 11:19 AM

Det er det ogs?!
En virkelig god linie.
Jeg er helt ked af at konkurrencen snart er slut, for der er virkelig kommet mange gode indfald i l?bet af konkurrencen.

Posted by: Claus on November 3, 2006 11:22 AM

Dette er det ringeste, jeg kan overs?tte "Jeg ved en l?rkerede". Enjoy!

I know a larks's nest
I do not say where
It's located on a heath
Somewhere where noone sees

In the nest there are offspring
And the offspring has down feathers
They squeak and they have tongues
and the nest is so cosy

And the two old larks
they fly close about
I think perhaps they notice
I don't do them anything

I lurk behind a Blackthorn
where I am quite near
I strecth upon my toe
And keep my breath in

Because the fox he wants to bite
and the boy collect berries
But noone shall have knowledge
Of where the larks nest is

Posted by: Stefan on November 3, 2006 2:47 PM

OK, here goes. Jeg er egentlig ikke vild med originalen, men den her er flere gange styggere (og nu har jeg haft melodien p? hjernen hele weekenden, helt vild nedtur mand)

Tekst: Mads Hansen, 1870 (Ny tekst: B. Tveskov 2006)
Melodi: J. A. P. Schulz, 1790

I know where a garden so beautiful is,
where seas are so blue and green forests exists,
where birdies are building in hedges with joy
and flying each dawn with a song over sky.

And placed in the midst of the rocky fresh sea
the prettiest island appears suddenly,
the lake is filled up with sea vessels so bold -
the island is brimming with flowers and gold

There's running a brook and a sprinkely spring,
the smallish round hills are a wonderous thing,
a meadow so soft it's a veritable fest
to fall around there and to lighten you breast.

The girlies are dancing with flowers on hat.
a red and a white on their titties are sat.
the boys they are playing the harp and the sword
retelling the legends in song and in chord.

Im sure that no other location has got
a softer, more delicate, marvelous spot
the garden whereon this sweet island is put,
I've shown you its splendour the best that I could

Look over the valley, look over the belt,
behold the sweet garden with leaves oh so svelte,
with flowers in meadows and millponds so grand,
the garden is denmark our fatherly land.

Posted by: tveskov on November 5, 2006 8:06 PM

Our mothers tongue is lovely it has a jolly sound
with what shall I worship it and cherish it around
a high born virgin a nobel royal bride
for she is so lovely and looks fantastic out
for she is so lovely and looks fantastic out

ps: Vil ikke udelukke der f?lger flere vers

Posted by: mogens on November 6, 2006 2:07 PM

We have a look at the blessed day
coming up at us from the sea
it lights up the sky - more and more
filling us with lust and piety!
We're children of the light and you can be
sure the night is over!

The blessed hour, the midnigt hour
where our lord let himself feed
it dawned in the east
the loveliest red
when the light came on, the bold of the earth
will light up and smoke!

If every tree in every wood came alive
and if every leaf was a tongue
They really wouldn't have the right voice
to sing of the graceful law of God
Like right now the light of life is shining
for the senior citizens and youngster alike!

If every straw, every plant
in every field or clearing had
a voice it still wouldn't not be sufficient for
praising the day, the light, the life, the thousands years that has gone by.
It should be a thanking song!

It's rather difficult to jump up a mountain
if you've gort weak thighs, butr the eagle is
a wee bit niftier; he reaches the top by having the weather blow off under his wing.
And the lark is really an small bird, and it can sing (and fly)
in the sky!

The mighty river roars and tumbles from the cliffs.
The smaller brooks aren?t that loud.
But they're pretty quick!
And it looks good when the snake their way through meadows and green linde trees!

We thank our God, the good father
as the lark at the dawning of the day
For the day he sent us
for the life he sent from the grave
For every spiritual food stuff thast has grown in any field the last 999+1 years!

As long as we behold the golden sun
and the wood is the garden of the danes
We're positioning May in a church stool
and flowers on the grave's of our male ancestors.
To a happy party with life and lust,
a bona fide Pindse-gift!

Our mild tears flow like small brooks from our eyes
Lots of brookes make for a river,
the river is reaching for the source of the light
the light
the light
It'll get a wage increase
a heart sigs
it's early, yet late!

No day is overlong
the evening comes along
We get light and sun mountain lag
God lighted up in the church;
but it'll dawn once again,
the hearts of morning will wait!

Bugger off, Pindse-day, you
With rays in wreath around the summit!
Every hour, pleasing the lord
Like the brrok in the meadow
in here
it really cuddles of the the green Linds!

The early morning is like gold
When the day resurrects
Yet the nice evening red kisses us
with golden teethYou'be got to get a glint in the eye, red on those cheeks!

We travel to the land of our father
It's really not sleeping
There's a forteress there, good looking and big
With great stuff in golden halls
With enjoyment will talk to friends there
with friends
in the light
in the light
in the light

Posted by: Morten Blund on November 6, 2006 3:24 PM

F?rst for sent s? jeg at Bo allerede har postet 'den med h?nen'. Men nu har jeg lavet den, s? skal den d?lme ogs? med.

O, if I were a hen
Hiding in the darkest lair
Playing around in the garden
Dicking a redskinned bear

O, if I were a kapokhead
Kissing a crying boy
living in his loving arms
In the bed stuffed with joy

O, if I were an apple
Swollen in richness and peace
Drinking the stipe all summer
Some day letting go with ease

O, if I were a hobo
With no direction home
Hard drinking, unknown and lonely
I am just like than gnome

Posted by: sinatra on November 6, 2006 4:32 PM

Det er helt cool med dommeren. Alle sangene kunne have v?ret overs?ttelser af samme original og stadig v?re med.

Posted by: Claus on November 6, 2006 5:00 PM

It is white here outside
Candle-kitten hits her tangle
Very hardly, very keen
White down there and white above, too
Powdered thick stands tree in garden
As out in my apple-yard

It is silent out here
Just soft penis on the window
Little bird offers herself
There is no bird now who?s singing
On the stick the bird is swaying
Looks around and sways some more

It is cold here outside
All the other birds are crying
Searching breed and shelter, but
Now the crow is spanking birdie
High on smoking and off-loading
Looking at the creature, tame.

Posted by: Anonym, Amager on November 6, 2006 7:20 PM

Anonym, er du kommet hjem fra Italien, eller er I to?
Det er virkelig fremragende. Hvis du har lyst til at identificere dig selv, s? er du i den grad med i konkurrencen...

Posted by: Claus on November 6, 2006 7:23 PM

Denne her kommer vist oprindelig fra engelsk, men jeg h?rte engang den engelske udgave, og det forstod jeg ikke meget af. S? jeg t?nkte den kunne bruge en genovers?ttelse:

Should old friend closet clean perish
and be ironed from our mind?
Should old friend closet clean perish
With them days so long behind?

Those fine days of youth, oh yeah,
those days so hard to find!
We lift our cups s? happily up
for them days so long behind!

Posted by: niels mlp on November 6, 2006 9:48 PM

Godt bud, Niels!

Posted by: Claus on November 6, 2006 9:50 PM

"Det er i dag et vejr", L. Holstein.
Pr?vede at f? den lumret lidt op, s? den egentlige mening kommer frem. Here goes.

It is today a sunny day
Oh, sweetest spring, no longer you're away
I will forget for sure, that it was winter
go shopping hyacinths that I will send there
or bring myself just so he knows I care

A buying spree she launched for white and blue
she bought away of beauty and of hue
Behold the weather bright! The sun is shining!
Around me fairy thoughts that I'll go mining
and bottle up for my beloved one

And they came floating by like here and there
Among them her, a happinated flare!
The sun is shining like it never did, man!
Think it should suffice for a day or two, and
I can't resist to kiss that greenish leaf!

She kissed them one by one with focused lips
she walzed away with flowry swinging hips..
"My friend, the hyacinths are just for you, love!
Forget the winter's freezing grasp of cold, dove
It is today indeed a sunny day!"

Posted by: dalager on November 6, 2006 10:49 PM

Flowry swinging hips - sm?gt, sm?gt.

Posted by: Claus on November 6, 2006 10:51 PM

My goodness! Jeg ?nsker mig en undersat sangbog til jul! Hvorn?r laver I yulesongs?

Posted by: emme on November 7, 2006 1:03 AM

My heart is always wanking
In Jesus? labour ward
And hither are my thoughts summed
To say it fairly short
At home is wear I long and
Wear my faith on my sleeve
I will always think about you
You merry Christmas Eve

Alas, when I am thinking
I know not what to say
?Cause God who lives in Heaven
Is rolling in the hay
Joy and honour up in the blue sky
And lively words from God
Are despised by the people
Because they make them bored

A pearl which is forgotten
Is very good to find
And diamonds are expensive
and always on her mind
If you chug a grape in the dry leaves
You must be really mad
And I just can?t stand to see
My God looking really bad

Why shouldn?t all your chambers
Be dressed in silk and gold
You could get everyone to
Do just as they were told
Why did you not stand in the spotlight
As leader of the band
With all kings of earth around you
All kissing on your hand

Why isn?t heaven built like
A giant stadium roof
With starry candles burning
And rhymes on Hella Joof
Why did you not let you see
As a Guardian of the light
With a double silky duvet
To cover all your might

No Jesus gets a sleep-in
When it is Christmas night
Where beggars use to seek
and to go away and hide
It was not even his own hay
The hay he lay upon
He did not have Therm-a-rest
And all the beds were gone

A sparrow has a nest and
A place to sit and chill
A swallow doesn?t look long
Before it gets its will
And a lion has its warm cave
Where bones he likes to gnaw
Shall my saviours really hide
In a stable full of straw

Alas I shall now open
My heart my soul and mind
With thousand longing moans singing
Jesus, komm herein!
Don?t you ever be a stranger
Mi house is your house too
I hope you?re going to like it
I love you, love me, do

Posted by: Martin on November 7, 2006 1:03 AM

Her en lille overs?ttelse af h?jskolesangbogens danske overs?ttelse af "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"

Hear how angels? song is sounded
Now we have a full-born king
Turns the sheek when he is pounded
Peace on earth to us he bring
Get up folks from all the tribes
Sing out loud and join the vibes
Angles sing, you sing with them
Christ is born in Bethlehem
Hear, the choir?s in the shower
King is the one with all the power

Posted by: Martin on November 7, 2006 1:05 AM

Martin: Godt n?et. Vers 3 i "my heart is always wanking" er ren klasse. Og helt klart bonus point for at f? Helle Joof med. Hun er jo ogs? repr?senteret i sangbogen, s? god meta-vits der.
Jeg ku blive ved, men folk m? selv finde vitserne.

Emme: God id?. Det m? v?re den n?ste konkurrence.

Og hermed er klokken officelt slagen tolv og konkurrencen er ovre.
(svar til de der undrer sig: Det er noget med nogen tidszoner og en langmodig redakt?r, der har f?rt de sidste indl?g ind i d. 7/11 - alt er ankommet rettidigt)

Det eneste jeg savner er et lovet bidrag med startlinien "now peeping to each other", men jeg siger mange, mange tak til alle jer der har deltager.
Dommeren voterer lidt endnu. Materialet er jo blevet ret omfangsrigt - s? jeg annoncerer vinderen i l?bet af i morgen.

Posted by: Claus on November 7, 2006 1:16 AM

Lidt til Jul

High from the tree's green top
shines the Chrismas polish
fiddler, play jolly up
now begind the dancing
put now beautyfully your hand in mine
do not touch that raisin
first the tree must be shown
then it must be eaten

Posted by: Marian on November 29, 2006 4:22 PM
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