May 07, 2005
Gmail as a Backpack alternative
As previously mentioned I wasn't impressed by backpack. Other people are, mainly because of the email integration. To me that feature is much better when just emulated with GMail. What you get is a responsive AJAX interface, spam and virus filtering, lightning fast search, tons of storage and a price tag of $0 per year for as many pages as you like as long as you stay under 2GB of total storage.
Here's what you do - it's just 2 easy steps
- Create a label on your GMail account called e.g. gpack
- Create a filter for email to - set label gpack, remove from inbox
"But GMail doesn't provide public permalinks to messages", I hear you cry.
This is why I'm working on GPack, a miniature email backed wiki implementation. It support textile formatting and automated updates when your GPack is updated via email. It'll be done real soon.
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