February 29, 2004
Albertslund ghettostil, dér

Nu vi er ved hiphoppen, så tjek Cino G ud. Et helt MP3 album af ghettostil teenage hip-hop, med en ghetto version af "Hvor du fra" (Jokerens "Havnen") og som den mest hjerteskærende Vi perker kan det. Musikken balancerer lige på kanten af en Gramsespektrum/Drengene fra Angora parodi. Rap og sang er langt over grænsen. Det kan ikke beskrives - kun opleves.

Posted by Claus at 05:35 PM
Classy's "minimalism in web design" award for 2004 goes to

Tatiana Lyng - for her personal website. Nice ASCII aesthetic. While the columsn have obvious meaning, I still haven't figured out the secret code of the data rows.
Only drawback: URL's on the site SUCK. Everything has the name it was given by the wysiwyg sitebuilder used.

[UPDATE] The award winning site is no longer at the end of that link unfortunately.

Posted by Claus at 03:43 PM
Hvordan står det til i den danske musikbranche? Ad helvede til

Nu skal man jo ikke vurdere den danske musikindustri på de igangværende Danish Music Awards, men hvis man nu skulle - så står det skidt til:
Hver anden pris går til Julie for hendes ferske og upersonlige engelssprogede pop-plade. Det var ikke det der stod i begrundelserne, men det var det der burde have stået. Store dele af underholdningen virker som lam sing- eller playback og intet hylder vel musikken mindre end at lade være med at spille den. De "seje" indslag kommer fra den nye latterlige misogyne bølge i dansk rap - L.O.C.'s lamme "Undskyld So" og Jokeren med den ligeså charmerende "Møgluder": Drenge, det er ikke pissesejt men derimod toplatterligt at være så blottet for overskud og selvrespekt at man ikke kan komme længere med sine tuffe sange ude fra det virkelige sex- og kærlighedsliv end "Møgluder" eller "Sut min pik, so". Tag jer sammen.

Og så fik Sebastian en lifetime achievement award. Jeg er nødt til at citere Peter Peter: "Det kan godt være det lyder som om jeg bruger ordet Sebastian som et skældsord, men jeg mener det også. '80ernes Boheme' - Come on mand!. Mit had til Sebastian vil aldrig dø" - eller ord med nogenlunde samme effekt; citeret efter hukommelsen fra et interview i Euroman.

Lyspunktet er de mange gode deciderede rocknavne, og de får heldigvis også lov til at dominere i stor udstrækning. Man kan glæde sig over at der er en genre der fungerer med danske musikere, men det er utrolig trist at alle de andre stinker så meget som de gør.

Posted by Claus at 12:01 AM
February 27, 2004
Svar du ikke vidste du manglede

P? internettet er røv mere almindeligt end nøgler.

Posted by Claus at 08:11 PM
And some other unrelenting somethings

[Update: here's a recent case (20040731)]
Also, a manager of "Microsofts security business and technology unit" (who knew they actually had one - their products bear no evidence that such an effort exists) boldly claims that We have never had vulnerabilities exploited before the patch was known.
When spin gets that thick it feels a little as if the world is turning into a television court room drama. A place where all sanity ends, where the truth is completely irrelevant and the only thing that counts is to utter your unfounded self serving opinions strongly and with great conviction.

To its credit Microsoft itself provides security bulletins proving the statement false. This bulletin contains the following statement

What are the new security vulnerabilities addressed by the patch?
There are a grand total of five newly discovered vulnerabilities:
What’s the scope of the first vulnerability?
The first vulnerability is a denial of service vulnerability [...] The vulnerability is being actively exploited by the “Code Red” worm, and this has been widely, although incorrectly, reported as being due to a flaw in the patch provided in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-033. In fact, this is a completely different and previously unknown vulnerability.

I.e. as the patch was made available it was correcting a flaw that was already being actively exploited.

Then of course there is the much bigger issue of a generally unsafe architecture like the many security problems with HTML email and with ActiveX in browsers as well as scripting in Office applications. These features make virus writing so simple that literally any kid can do it. I have always felt that there was a distinct mismatch between the simplicity of virus writing and the harsh demonization of virus writers - the carelessness that makes virus writing so simple should be factored into the equation also.

Posted by Claus at 03:01 AM
Unrelenting assholes

Its hard to believe but VeriSign is suing ICANN over SiteFinder. In idiotic statements by VeriSign representatives it says that "This brazen attempt by ICANN (news - web sites) to assume 'regulatory power' over VeriSign's business is a serious abuse of ICANN's technical coordination function,". ICANN does regulate the assignment of names and control VeriSigns franchise to manage the com/net zone. It's been a while since I have seen such a die hard attempt at commercial suicide. VeriSigns contract will come up for review. Nobody is interested in Sitefinder except VeriSign and by suing they have virtually guaranteed a grassroots campaign to take away the management franchise from them or at least to tighten the terms and conditions enoug to kill Sitefinder for good.

Posted by Claus at 02:33 AM
February 26, 2004
Revolution is not an AOL keyword
You will not be able to stay home, dear Netizen. You will not be able to plug in, log on and opt out. You will not be able to lose yourself in Final Fantasy, Or hold your Kazaa download queues, Because revolution is not an AOL Keyword. ...
So goes the opening lines of an Internet update of Gil Scott-Heron's 70s counter culture classic The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Elegantly done.
Posted by Claus at 11:16 PM
Kanal Hammerslag

Fedt. Frode "Hammerslag" Munksgaard har f?et sin egen kanal. At forestille sig en hel dag sat sammen af alt det v?rste fra DR1 og TV2: Hyggelige interviews med folk fra n?rmilj?et. Et fast dagligt magasin om kongehuset. Et "Hvor er de nu" program med g?ster som Peter Belli og Susanne Lana. KUN nyheder fra regionerne. INTET udlandsstof. INTET kulturstof - undtagen fra Det Ny Teater.
Jeg vil godt foresl? en tagline til den nye kanal - og den skal kanalen f? ganske gratis:

Mindre action, mere mormor

M?lrettede tv-kanaler er givetvis the wave of the future, og jeg kan kun lyk?nske det gr? guld med deres nye TV kanal. Jeg vil i mellemtiden fortsatte migreringen af mit eget medieforbrug til nettet hvor den virkelig smalle interesse stadig giver mening.

Posted by Claus at 02:20 PM
February 25, 2004
Unge etniske minoriteter

På menneskeret.dk spørges om "unge etniske minoriteter under 24 år skal have lov at gifte sig". Lad mig se: Tyrkerne kom som gæstearbejdere vistnok fra 69 til 72 så den minoritet er over 24. Jeg tror den eneste etniske minoritet der er på vippen lige omkring de 24 er "Folk der går rundt i København med mohawks".

[Update: N? nej - jeg glemmer helt at Iran/Irak krigen starter omkring 1979-1980 s? "iranske og irakiske flygtninge" er ogs? en minoritet p? 24]

Posted by Claus at 12:23 AM
February 24, 2004
Airport impressions

I spent 6 unfruitful hours at Copenhagen Airport today due to the late arrival of an airplane that later developed a malfunction so a flight was canceled after a 5 hour delay.
At the airport - where people develop a sudden urge for draught beer at 8 o'clock in the morning, and where all food is double the price and half the quality the security check metal detectors have had their sensitivity cranked up to max. Belt buckles, even the metal components of shoes trigger an extra check.
The airport transit hall has "Internet connection points" for the wirelessly challenged. Only problem is that the credit card processor on the connection poiunt machinery does not accept the only credit card in widespread use in Denmark - namely a debit card/Visa or debit card/Mastercard combo (the debit card in question is a national standard in Denmark). They must have disappointing sales since probably more than half of their possible customer base have been cut out by bad implementation.
Third observation: The business book rack at the airport bookstore is no longer about making deals and making millions in the .com boom. The largest single group of books are about simply getting a job at all: "CV's for dummies", "How to get a job", "Winning the interview", or titles to that effect, take up entire shelves.

Posted by Claus at 05:41 PM
February 23, 2004
Subversion goes 1.0

It's finally here - the Apache foundations CVS killer with the cool name. Actually I think that was an OK speed for moving from 0.0 to 1.0. It took 3.25 years from the very first milestone release.
For those of us following the languishing Perl 6 project that's pretty good going (although obviously and in true Perl 6 fashion Perl 6 is a much bigger undertaking)

[Update: Mikkel informs me that Subversion is not apache Foundation proper - but it has Apache roots as far as history, people and codebase (Apache Portable Runtime is the runtime) goes]

Posted by Claus at 04:06 PM
February 22, 2004
Zappa reading Burroughs

You can get yourself a little flash of the past here on UbuWeb as you listen to Frank Zappa reading a fragment of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch, namely the story of the talking asshole.
As 5 minutes of recorded past go you get quite a bit of history. You can almost hear from the audience reactions that this was recorded in the 70s. Frank Zappa's voice is totally Zappaesque as is his choice of material to read.

Posted by Claus at 02:36 PM
Must-see music video

You absolutely must not miss the amazing video for "Soccer Practice" from Gay Pimp, the music is some subgenre of electro - apparently the buzz is electroclash, I've given up on subsubgenres - and the video is humorous gay locker room dance action. Selected song lyric quote to give you an idea if you really want to watch: "Soccer Practice. Suck Suck, Suck Suck, Soccer Practice".

Posted by Claus at 01:52 AM
Have you googled your social security number lately?

The latest edition of Wired carries a story on the uptake of ID theft with a simple demonstration for how you can do that - as soon as you have e.g. someones social security number. That reminded me of a good suggestion from Jon Udell, which is to do an occasional Google search for your social security number. It is supposed to come up negative - if it doesn't you could be in serious trouble. Obviously your number may still be out there but a partial test is better than no test at all.
The same search strategy should apply to other vital statistics, your credit card number etc.

Sensitive information like this raises the only real issue with archives like the Wayback Machine, since automated complete archives would heighten the risk of exposure: If your sensitive data was published by accident at any time in the past the perfect archive would still have a copy of it.

Posted by Claus at 01:21 AM
MS source looks much like other people's source code

Now that we can have a look at the source for Windows somebody did on K5 and according to the report MS source code looks much like other peoples source code, complete with expletives, warnings to other programmers, and hack alerts.
Most interestingly, the code documents the much talked about (ab)use) of internal API's in MS's own software - but it also documents that other companies were in on the joke also and that MS developers have taken the effort to preserve compatibility with these misbehaving third party products, so it is only partially fair to accuse Microsoft of abusing an unfair competitive advantage.

Posted by Claus at 01:07 AM
February 17, 2004
OQO Vaporware PC has a video

The OQO, super compact full function portable computer, a vaporware perennial, has had a site update. The old "Will be available in 2002" line is now a "Will be available falll 2004", and there's a snazzy video that looks like a "Mission Impossible 3" promo, complete with motorcycles and 60's nostalgia - in this case the nostalgia of old bulky computers.

Posted by Claus at 11:01 PM
February 12, 2004

Now you can pop rap your way to good user interfaces by rappin' along to the OK/Cancel HCI rap. Text sampler:

After that generate a lot of designs
run them by some users even just 2 at a time
iterate and iterate and soon you'll obliterate
any interfaces which are wack or inconsiderate

via BoingBoing

Posted by Claus at 12:59 AM
February 11, 2004
Code generation is where the fun begins

I couldn't agree more with this positive appraisal of code generation. Auto generated code is where the fun begins and the time savings explode. I know I have saved several man months of work through code generation.
However, code generation as an activity separate from the focus of "real" software development is an artifact of rigid old languages with a poor "meaning/code" ratio, i.e. languages that tend to contain too much code that does not really express design but needs to be around for the truly expressive code to run. The next step up is cutting out this boilerplate middleman entirely - which is why OCaml is on my reading list.

Posted by Claus at 11:54 PM
Det' Gas - Jeg kan tage det

Gasolin er en essentiel komponent af min barndom. Jeg er lige en smule yngre end den typiske Gasolin-nostalgiker, men jeg har mange ?ldre s?skende og har h?rt Gasolin siden jeg var 2. S? Gasolin Blackbox samlingen af alle Gas' LPerne er virkelig et fantastisk memento om en anden og mere orange og r?gfarvet tid - Dengang man kunne stille sig op til bandfoto som landets f?rende rockstjerne p? bagsiden af et LP cover i genbrugstweedjakke med en halvfuld Gr?n Tuborg stikkende op af jakkelommen. Pluspoint for den nostalgivenlige indpakning komplet med un?dvendige inderposer inden i de CD-st?rrelse snydepladecovers. Eneste klage: Hvorfor er dem der var gatefold dengang ikke lavet som gatefold nu. Helt ?rligt.

Musikken er vel n?ppe lige s? frisk da den var ny - det er den enten for tidstypisk eller for velkendt til - men de gode numre, og der er mange af dem, er fantastiske og Kim Larsen havde stadigv?k en stemme.

Posted by Claus at 02:44 PM
Your new language this year

The Pragmatic Programmers propose a rule that you should learn one new programming language each year to stay sharp. For this year my plans involve 3 languages, Parrot assembler, BPEL business process definitions and finally OCaml, which seems to be a very nice functional language with free (as in freedom) quality implementations available on all common platforms. Based on ideas in Parrot and the uptake of Python + Ruby I think it is safe to say that your standard programming language is undergoing fundamental changes these years, adopting more and more of the proven but hitherto purely "academic" programming techniques. Interesting news is that the platforms (notably .NET) are keeping pace with this development as well.
There is of course a fork of interests where platform vendors seem to favor tools and complexity and open sourcers seem to favor language invention and compactness. The languages I mention above are good examples. The BPEL spec is rough going, heavy on concpets and XML gunk and it is almost impossible to think of an application made without heavy dute design software. The OCaml distribution on the other hands drops us back into the immediate console of yesteryear. Where parrot is going it is too early to tell.
An OCaml tutorial may be found here.

Posted by Claus at 04:04 AM
Bagels - nu på dansk!

En trofast læser, som har bedt om kun at optræde her anonymt, har taget Classy.dk's drømme om bagels til sig og "fordansket og forenklet" den bagelopskrift vi optrykte fornyligt her på classy.dk. Dvs instruktionerne nu følger dansk normalstandard for detaljer og sværhedsgrad samt at ingredienserne er versioneret til varer der kan fås i et dansk supermarked. Here goes:

Ca. 10 stk.

2,5 dl. lunkent vand
1,5 spiseskefuld kartoffelmel
25 g gær
1 æg
3 spiseskefulde olie (vindruekerne- eller en anden neutral olie)
1 spiseskefuld sirup
2 spiseskefulde sukker
1,5 teskefuld salt
450 g hvedemel

2-3 liter vand
2-3 store spiseskefulde honning

sesamfrø eller birkes

Udrør gær og kartoffelmel i det lunkne vand.
Pisk ægget sammen og tilsæt dejen en spiseskefuld af det.
Gem resten til at pensle med senere.
Tilsæt olie, sirup, sukker og salt.
Tilsæt melet lidt efter lidt, det er ikke sikkert det hele skal bruges.
Ælt dejen grundigt, men sørg for, at den ikke blive for fast.
Stil den til hævning under et fugtigt klæde i 1 - 1½ time.
Slå dejen ned, ælt den let og del den i ti stykker.
Form stykkerne til bagels, enten ved at trille dem til pølser, der samles i ringe eller ved at lave en bolle, der trykkes flad, hvorefter der laves et hul i midten.
Tænd for ovnen på 225 C.
Varm vand og honning op til det koger. Brug en stor gryde.
Efterhæv imens brødene i 10-15 minutter.
Kom brødene i vandet lidt efter lidt, de må kun ligge i et lag.
Kog dem et minut, vend dem og kog dem derefter et minut til. Brug en hulske eller lignende.
Læg dem på en bageplade med bagepapir.
Pensl med æg og drys eventuelt med sesamfrø eller birkes.
Bag i 15-20 minutter og afkøl dem på en rist.

Posted by Claus at 01:37 AM
Microsoft lawyer becomes anti-trust watchdog ... sort of...

The American Bar Association is pro-monopoly it would seem, since they have appointed Microsoft associate general counsel Richard J. Wallis chairman of an antitrust panel. Nonsurprisingly the panel is organizing opposition to aggresive enforcement of antitrust law.

Via Tim O'Reilly

Posted by Claus at 12:53 AM
February 10, 2004
Are your windows applications randomly going invisible

Then, if you're using a Pentium 4 with hyperthreading, it might be a good idea to turn off hyperthreading at the BIOS level. I have had experiences with applications going invisible - WinAmp, w.bloggar, and some home grown stuff would start and would work, but would not be drawn to the screen. I was unable to find any good reason for this until one of my coworkers suggested hyperthreading as the culprit and lo and behold it seems - at least on one of my systems - that if I turn off hyperthreading the problem is gone.

Posted by Claus at 11:46 AM
February 09, 2004
SCO boloney spins out of control

Now SCO is claiming that it is difficult for them to find out what exactly is contained in an open source operating system. Fortunately nobody found that easy to believe.

Posted by Claus at 02:59 PM
February 03, 2004
Visual factoids galore

Ahhh, facts...

Via Joi Ito.

Posted by Claus at 11:05 PM
Moveable type is brittle

On K5, there's a piece on Why my Moveable Type blog must die - well not mine specificially but MT blogs in general. Some of it is Andrew Orlowski style blog bashing, pointlessness defined, but there are good points also. The best one is that MT is quite brittle and inflexible when your page demands start to grow or you desire some kind of CGI interaction. It is a problem with MT that the Admin interface isnot built from the same templating system as the MT blogs themselves. That is quite a nuisance when MT's data model becomes to constrained for your needs. There is even an unclean separation between blog and admin system: Error messages on mailing errors are delivered by the admin system and not your blog, so you need to hack in an ugly interface breaking way to do "branded" email from MT.

Posted by Claus at 11:02 PM
February 01, 2004
More news from hell

Obviously the proposal wont fly now it it's a news story, but that doesn't make the proposal to ban "evolution" from school books in Georgia because of pressure from creationist idiots any less of a landmark. "It fits into a pattern" of right wing backlashes against sanity.

Posted by Claus at 10:57 AM